Water and Affirmations


Water courses through our body, it makes up our cells, and fills us with life giving nourishment. It is a life source. When you understand the value and power of water you can begin to connect with the importance of how you speak to yourself. 

Masura Emoto - Japanese scientist - Messages from water

“water exposed to positive speech and thoughts results in visually ‘pleasing’ crystals being formed when that water is frozen and that negative intention yields ‘ugly’ frozen crystal formations”




While it may seem counter intuitive to speak kindly to yourself, to tell your body how you want it to be shaped, I want you to remember that we speak the opposite of what we want on a daily basis. Think of how often you pinch your skin and think you’re fat, or blame your sugar cravings on a lack of self control. Often, our body is simply doing what we tell it to do, we just don’t realize we’re sending messages of harm rather than messages of strength, joy, and life.

Please pick a couple of these affirmations to practice during your day as you’re drinking your water. Feel free to make up your own. Joyfully speak what you want to see and need to see over your body.

I am beautiful and healthy

I am exactly the person I am supposed to be

My body is correct, it is full of life and health

I am wanted and loved 

I have worth

I know how to make good food choices and eat in such a way that brings me life

My body knows how to take in the right calories and release harmful calories

When I eat, I lose weight and gain muscle

My body knows how to rightly assimilate nutrients and release what it doesn’t need


Explore Cravings